073900438 routing number is a 9-digit number designed and assigned to Regions Bank by The American Bankers Association (ABA) to identify the financial institution upon which a payment was drawn. Regions Bank routing numbers are also known as as "ABA numbers", "routing transit numbers" (RTN), or "check routing numbers".
Jun 25, 2020 · When making a Regions Bank wire transfer, you’ll need to use routing number 062005690 and also supply the bank’s name, your name and account number, and the following bank address: Regions Bank 1900 Fifth Avenue North Source : Regions Bank Routing/Transit Numbers. Routing Number. Address. City. State. Zip Code. 264071590. Jun 30, 2020 · Regions Mississippi Routing Number: 065305436; Wire Transfer Routing Number: 065305436; International Routing Number: 062005690; For the Regions Mississippi routing number here is your routing number. The same scenario as the first routing numbers mentioned earlier. REGIONS BANK routing numbers list. REGIONS BANK routing numbers have a nine-digit numeric code printed on the bottom of checks which is used for electronic routing of funds (ACH transfer) from one bank account to another. There are 41 active routing numbers for REGIONS BANK. Routing Number 065305436 doesn't process Fedwire Payments. All Routing Numbers of Regions Bank A routing number is a nine digit code, used in the United States to identify the financial institution. Regions Bank routing and/or transit number is assigned based on the state in which the account is opened. View the list below to find statewise routing number
Regions offers a full spectrum of banking services. Visit us online or at one of our many bank branch locations for checking, savings, mortgages and more.
REGIONS BANK routing numbers list. REGIONS BANK routing numbers have a nine-digit numeric code printed on the bottom of checks which is used for electronic routing of funds (ACH transfer) from one bank account to another. There are 41 active routing numbers for REGIONS BANK. Routing Number 065305436 doesn't process Fedwire Payments. All Routing Numbers of Regions Bank A routing number is a nine digit code, used in the United States to identify the financial institution. Regions Bank routing and/or transit number is assigned based on the state in which the account is opened. View the list below to find statewise routing number Regions routing and/or transit number is located at the bottom of your checks and deposit slips. Starting from the left corner, it is the first nine digits. Please keep in mind that the routing number is different from state to state.
Source : Regions Bank Routing/Transit Numbers. Routing Number. Address. City. State. Zip Code. 264071590.
Regions offers a full spectrum of banking services. Visit us online or at one of our many bank branch locations for checking, savings, mortgages and more. Regions does not monitor the linked website and has no responsibility whatsoever for or control over the content, services or products provided on the linked website. The privacy policies and security at the linked website may differ from Regions’ privacy and security policies and procedures. Regions Bank branches, routing number, swift codes, location, address and contact details. Mississippi (125) North Carolina (7) South Carolina (22) Tennessee (218) Jul 01, 2020 · Greenwood, Mississippi 38930 There are several routing numbers for Regions Bank reported in our bank database. Please call the number next to a routing number below to confirm your Regions Bank Greenwood Branch routing number for wire transfer, reorder checks or setting up direct deposit. Regions bank routing number list corresponding to regions will give you perfect place to end your search. In order to do the wire transfer, the routing number is 062005690. Regions Bank is one of the popular US banks and financial services company that has its headquarters in Birmingham. 062005690 routing number is a 9-digit number designed and assigned to Regions Bank by The American Bankers Association (ABA) to identify the financial institution upon which a payment was drawn. Regions Bank routing numbers are also known as as "ABA numbers", "routing transit numbers" (RTN), or "check routing numbers".